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Mia, being a Finn, was the perfect photo guide for a day’s photography in Finland. Rather than visit the tourist sites we visited a subway entrance, the university library, and a library few have heard about, with a particularly beautiful staircase in one wing of the building. It was also a good chance to try out my new lens on buildings for the first time, the heavy lump of a Nikon 14-24 2.8.

These have a  fresh modern slightly space age feel, because Starwars was all over the billboards, I guess I was affected 😉

Helsinki Metro Subway Station
If George Lucas designed subway stations, I think this one in Helsinki would have been it.
Helsinki Unversity Library, from a new perspective.
Helsinki Unversity Library, from a new perspective.
The staircase of learning. Helsinki, Finland.
The staircase of learning. Helsinki, Finland.